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♥ Cooking School: food, photography and more

Just found this cute and yummy blog thanks to my closest friend Cecilia: cavoletto di bruxelles. It's a blog about food and delicious recipes but also about photos and trips! As you already know I'm a buff of cooking and I LOVE the style life photos so this blog has suddently become one of my favorite one!

The blogger, Sigrid, is addicted of food of course but also is a self-taught photographer and on her blog you can find thousands of recipes with stunning photos of that food. Unfortunately it's just in Italian but she has written some books in other languages as well!

I suggest to visit this blog, it is really amazing! I've baked her scones such yestarday.... bang! They are so exquisite!! If you need of translation, I could help you!

I wanna try all oriental recipes from this blog! I'll be back to you soon telling my feedbacks.

Actually I'm dying starvation now!!


  1. ma Sigrid è una leggenda... è anche su twitter @cavoletto, facebook, e ha appena pubblicato un libro...

  2. I've already got her book! So cute!!! Marco you are my guru, you always know everything!!!



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